Management post Covid19: What Corporates can learn from Disruptive Innovators
Covid19: The ultimate change agent Whatever the challenges of Covid19, they have brought forward a revolution in the world of work. That revolution was already coming and there are many who have already adopted it. But what does that have to do with...
Neighbour disputes: 5 reasons mediation can help
Neighbour disputes can escalate quickly Disputes or disagreements with our neighbours can affect us viscerally. They challenge our sense of security, personal space. They can also challenge our feelings of safety and bring up fears of economic...
Online Mediation Protocol: making mediation work online
Online Mediation Protocol With courts and tribunals offering a reduced service and litigation slowing down businesses and individuals risk dangerous delay. Online mediation is an opportunity to find solutions and to move forward. Key to the success of...
Frequently Asked Questions: What can Mediation Deliver?
Why Mediation? Before going to mediation, common questions include "What can mediation deliver?" or "What am I going to get out of it. Often a problem seems so impossible to overcome that it is difficult to see how mediation can help. But it can. Mediation addresses...
Office Dramas When do HR need to step in
The opportunity of "Office Dramas" Often managers and leaders can look to HR to fix office dramas. It can be tempting for HR to step in and do just that. However, the most effective solutions coming from HR using the conflict situation as an opportunity to build...
Brexit, referenda and changing the nature of political debate
The Brexit debate and the referendum has shown us the worst of political wrangling and debates but it could pave the way for better practice
Front Line staff’s Conflict Resolution skills are key to customer service
Front line staff are vital agents in challenging situations on the railways and need to react quickly. Travelling can be stressful particularly when it’s busy. Stress is an easy trigger for conflict so good customer support requires...
From Manager to Resolution Agent: The Management Superpower
Key skills can transform a manager from good to great at conflict management whilst keeping their focus on the day job.
How to get what you want in negotiations
How to get what you want in negotiations Whether you are negotiating Brexit or a salary rise, there are key strategies to getting what we want in negotiations. This article sets out keys to ride any negotiation storm...
How to resolve conflict with your investor
How to resolve conflict with your investor When stakes are high, egos come to the fore and often accentuate behaviours that upset or irritate others. This article sets out some key tools to help resolve conflict with investors ...
Louisa Weinstein – 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution
Louisa Weinstein – 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution Conflict at work can be an opportunity for change and growth. In fact, organisations don't have to change much to create a culture of Early Conflict Resolution that impacts leadership and culture almost...
Irish Tech news review The 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution
Irish Tech news review The 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution
How to deal with demanding bosses
How to deal with demanding bosses Dealing with demanding bosses can seem an impossible task. However, using conflict resolution tools can be the key to managing up and achieving win win results
Mediation are Lawyers Missing a Trick
Are Lawyers Missing a Trick? Lawyers could be capitalising on their position as trusted adviser through the use of mediation and mediation skills. This article explains how lawyers might be missing a trick and what they can do about it. ...
Time to face conflict head on?
Facing conflict head on may, on first sight seem a foolish strategy... However, it does not mean picking a fight with the next person who irritates us. Nor does the alternative mean putting our heads in the sand. Rather, it means becoming equipped to address the...
5 Tips for Effective Conflict Resolution for Managers
Conflict Resolution is an Essential Management Tool but.. ..very few, if any of us have formally learnt how to do it. Many of us are quite naturally good at managing conflict. Often we "wing it" and do so quite effectively but when it goes wrong it can be...
Conflict costs UK business £33 billion per year but it could cost more….
It doesn't have to be your cost Conflict can often escalate quickly almost arbitrarily. It can often seem as if it "comes out of no-where". We presume that the cost, is a "necessary evil" and unavoidable even before considering the personal costs and consequences. ...
Addressing the stigmas: Mental Health, Mental Ill Health and Conflict
There is a big connection between the escalation of conflict and a decline in mental health. This can particularly be the case in high performance environments. One solution is to start looking at where these two issues come up in our day to day lives. However,...
Brexit, Merkel v May: Negotiating strategy and tactics
An overview of the negotiation tactics and strategies at play and what we can learn from them
Neighbour disputes: Dream home or nightmare
Home ownership is a dream for many but becomes a nightmare when we have disputes with neighbours. These 4 keys can open the door to better neighbourly relationships even when you disagree.
Thinking about mediation? Key questions answered
Most of us will ever mediate once in our lives
Terrorism – the fall out: difficult conversations for young people
In response to the London Bridge terrorist attacks, Theresa May talked about the need to have difficult and potentially embarrassing conversations. I recently ran a peer conflict coaching programme with a group of young Asian girls who are learning to do exactly...
Mediation: How to get the parties to the table
Nobody can be forced to go to a mediation so people need to choose to participate. This article aims to answer questions I am often asked about what is often the most difficult part of the process – getting people to show up in the first place. How can I convince the...
Mediation, neuroscience and the 7 ancient instincts
What are the 7 ancient instincts? Jaan Panskepp, a radical neuroscientist identified human beings are driven by seven ancient instincts, or “primary-process affective systems,”. These are seeking, anger, fear, panic-grief, care, pleasure/lust and play. The...